CPA Fast Pass will help you to pass the CPA exam in less time and with low costs. Improve your score on the CPA examination with our tips and advice.
Get information about why you should consider a CPA review course. Review our study plan, study materials, information on useful free practice questions, sample tests, etc. for more details.
Our total package:
We have 2 packages.
We have 2 packages.
- Four Sections
- One Section
You can get our four sections package at $350.00 USD.
If you choose fast forward academy for four sections package, then you will get this at $700 .00 USD.
One Section Package
You can get our one section package at $115.00 USD.
If you choose fast forward academy for one section package, then you will get this at $275.00 USD.
This package includes up-to-date software.
It also includes individualized assistance with creating a study plan and answering questions you may have. We provides CPA exam study plans, materials, and best CPA exam coaching within your budget.
CPA Fast Pass brings some free resources for its applicant.
Such as:
- CPA Exam Summary
- Official AICPA Sample Tests
- How the CPA Exam is Scored
- Thousands of FREE Practice Questions
CPA Exam Summary
The CPA Exam is a computer-based test comprised of four sections. The current exam—administered by the AICPA —takes a total of 14 hours for all four parts.
- Auditing and Attestation (AUD) — 4 Hours (90 questions and seven task-based simulations)
- Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) — 3 Hours (72 questions and three written communications tasks)
- Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) — 4 Hours (90 questions and seven task-based simulations)
- Regulation (REG) — 3 Hours (72 questions and six task-based simulations)
Thousands of FREE Practice Questions
The CPA Exam consists of the following testing components:
Multiple-choice questions:
These questions appear on all four parts of the CPA Exam and are based on the topics described in the Content Specification Outlines (CSOs). Each exam section includes three multiple-choice testlests or groups of questions.
Task-based simulations:
Simulations use real-life work situations to test your in-depth knowledge and skills in a particular subject area. Some tasks you may be asked to perform include searching databases or working with spreadsheets and forms. Task-based simulations are presented after multiple-choice questions and appear on three of the exam parts: Financial Accounting and Reporting, Auditing and Attestation, and Regulation.
Written communications tasks:
Appearing only in the Business Environment and Concepts exam part, these tasks require you to respond in either memo or letter format to a scenario based on the topics outlined in the CSOs. You will have access to word processing to prepare your answers.
We offer following free practice exam by topic:
- Auditing & Attestation
- Business Environment & Concepts
- Financial Accounting & Reporting
- Regulation

CPA Fast Pass can help you to get a better score on the CPA exam even within a limited time frame. We will provide you with study materials and software if needed, a study plan and one-on-one personalized support.
Contact Us
6140 Tutt Blvd Ste. 230, Colorado Springs, CO 80923
6140 Tutt Blvd Ste. 230, Colorado Springs, CO 80923
Phone No: 719-244-2450
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